[00:02.55]Artist:anorexia nervosa [00:03.80]Songs Title:black death, nonetheless [00:05.12]Make love with chaos, once in a lifetime... [00:08.43]I've seen the son of the man [00:11.49]He came to save the ones who were lost [00:15.56]Fathers shall not be condemned to death for the sons [00:19.56]Neither shall sons for their fathers [00:25.56]And everyone shall die for his own sin. [00:29.43]Holy me, blessed be [00:44.68]Arisen in the ASA glory [00:46.62] [00:49.38]ASA, Sahasrar shall abolish the man in me [00:59.63]Black Death, nonetheless... [01:01.07]Black Death, nonetheless [01:02.82]Black Death for me [01:08.94]For my disease is carrying all the sins of humanity [01:16.01]For my death shall be the negation of your miserable existence [01:21.32]I was talking with Lucipher yesterday [02:03.20]He said he loved you, monkeys [02:05.76]He's the only one who cares about you, masses [02:12.76]I don't care, don't give a good goddamn [02:15.32]May you all die, bunch of pigs [02:17.01]Wish I was dead and crucified too [02:18.89]Stigmatized by your weak, ignorant moral [02:21.00]My body's raped and desecrated by your innoncent newborn sons [02:24.12]Anus-Dei [02:24.50]God, their flesh tastes so good [02:26.81]Flagrance of the Apokalypse [02:29.37]Lucipher was born a long time after me [02:33.68]And you love to gently caress his perfect hair [02:36.93]What a beautiful child you have, Madame [02:39.68]Ah, comme je peux hair tous ces miserables assemblages de chair [02:44.00]Ces relations faibles et repugnantes [02:46.50]Mais comment ne pas vomir sur ces corps abjects [02:50.06]Ces tripes fumantes enlacees ? [02:52.62]Ah, si seulement je pouvais broyer toute cette viande pourrie [02:55.51]Dechiqueter ces putains d'esprits [02:57.26]Expulser leurs fluides, leurs ames, toute cette atroce puanteur [03:12.82]Ah comme je peux hair celui qui a ose les creer [03:16.70]Je lui ferais bouffer toutes ces creatures [03:18.96]Jusqu'a ce qu'il en creve [03:21.08]Et qu'enfin je retrouve la sphere divine [03:23.45]Vierge et immaculee [03:24.52]Car Dieu m'a dit... toute vie doit cesser...