[00:00.000] 作词 : Kisos/兰孝晨/黄昭 [00:01.000] 作曲 : Kisos/兰孝晨/黄昭 [00:15.76]I wanna do a dance [00:17.71]in the studio [00:19.66]Fly to the wonderland [00:21.49]坐上了热气球 [00:24.12]You are not my friend [00:25.27]Fake ass [00:26.33]***** bad b****s mad [00:28.15]We break the bank [00:29.87]Do a studio dance [00:31.42]Dance [00:31.88]Dance [00:32.85]我的脾气真的好到爆炸 [00:34.91]喝杯茶我坐着看你笑话 [00:36.77]小马哥的风度不管到哪 [00:38.34]霸王色的气场真OG不屑抹发蜡 [00:41.31]当我摘掉墨镜代表这一局已尘埃落定 [00:44.50]Party room身穿着燕尾服 [00:45.96]Be a man how to do 且看我功夫过硬 [00:48.94]PingX1 gang bands on top [00:51.03]PingX1 gang bands on top [00:52.99]室外的气温到零下 [00:54.50]My studio dancing feel like so hot [00:57.14]Everyday写下新的段落 [00:59.10]冒险升级考验我的胆魄 [01:01.11]不接受质疑和反驳 [01:02.59]你打算拿啥来塞满你的bankroll [01:04.34]就像Kyrie Irving在研心突破 [01:06.27]你的甜心出没 [01:07.35]让她别言行出错 [01:08.52]在这全新部落 [01:09.58]没有闲心度过 [01:10.48]书写年轻著作 [01:11.33]让你全军覆没baby [01:12.46]Would you believe me? [01:15.57]Studio dance到黎明 [01:17.58]生涯黄金的年纪 [01:18.49]不可阻挡是天命 [01:19.45]疯狂的前进 [01:20.35]I wanna do a dance [01:22.20]in the studio [01:24.22]Fly to the wonderland [01:26.32]坐上了热气球 [01:28.77]You are not my friend [01:29.75]Fake ass [01:30.84]***** bad b****s mad [01:32.72]We break the bank [01:34.39]Do a studio dance [01:37.96]Came to studio [01:39.97]We move studio [01:41.99]Take 2 photoes [01:43.39]就把他们girlfriend都勾走 [01:45.92]Came to studio [01:47.64]We move studio [01:49.95]Make 2 vocals [01:51.45]你梦里想的哥们全部都有 [01:52.98]天上亮着星星 [01:53.96]我的心亮晶晶 [01:54.92]灵感突破瓶颈 [01:55.88]不再孤苦伶仃 [01:56.93]录个Demo听听 [01:57.94]对我一见倾心 [01:58.85]这感觉纯的就像是98年的冰冰 [02:01.55]嘴炮型的选手只能回家做着梦 [02:05.01]设定好脚本 [02:06.02]把状态调整 [02:07.07]狙击手瞄准 [02:08.04] [02:09.61]********不会出现周围 [02:10.96]逆着风向出发没有考虑过收尾 [02:13.69]Lil ***** 拿开你的酒杯 [02:15.06]168 以下统统不符合我口味 [02:17.68]得到是预期的三倍 [02:19.10]Cash当作枕头才能让我整夜安睡 [02:21.76]来自西南边境的悍匪 [02:23.11]OK OK OK 我收下你的赞美 [02:25.82]变强大是我的罪过 [02:27.77]大把的天赋去挥霍 [02:29.72]蜜桃我最爱的水果 [02:31.45]不放冰箱我藏被窝 [02:33.25]Playboy sh1t [02:34.28]没错 [02:35.14]在Studio&club神出鬼没 [02:37.19]我张嘴就能秀别来催我 [02:39.06]I got dollar dollar bill 像在美国 [02:42.70]So International的腔调 [02:44.47]云南legendary in da house [02:46.27]PingX1 got the ball and the sauce [02:48.51]没有够狠的货比得倒 [02:50.69]My level is Gucci [02:51.40]钞票塞包包里 [02:52.47]美酒装肚皮 [02:53.37]不比你牛逼又怎么会妒嫉 [02:55.23]哥放个屁都吸引你注意的 [02:57.38]Studio的门没关紧 [02:59.28]耳朵被KRK唤醒 [03:00.98]Open my eyes still trippin [03:03.08]凌晨三点 I keep dancing [03:04.43]My neibour抱怨我房间不安静 [03:06.02]Be player every games I'm champion [03:08.02]平西的将军会把云南占领 [03:09.69]影响力要超出地球的半径