This is a world-class event Glad you could make an appearance It's been a crazy past couple of years So take a seat, grab a drink or two and open your ears Money can't help you now Buying your way through life It may have worked in the past, but how the **** are you gonna buy yourself outta this one? Lights out mother****er OH LIGHTS OUT There were bitches that came and went, sometimes I tend to forget But hey, that's what your good friends are for There are times when I can't open my own eyes Blinded by intoxication, it's killin me Feed me lies and there's a chance I'll remember Chances are I won't remember a thing that you said If we could break away from our own delusions If we could, break away, break away Now everything begins to flash before your eyes Your like a criminal that caught between dishonor and lies And for a second I will question my sanity And it might appear to me that the criminal is me And, each living second could be your last Now that my secret's out- I have finally gone insane, all my evil schemes and master plans are playing out And you fell for the trap While I was laughing in the back of my head I am crazy, But so are you.