作词 : 无 作曲 : 无 (cover Christopher) vocal:郭嘉/桃桃(16岁) edit:郭嘉 piano:郭嘉 keyboard:郭嘉 bass/drum/percussion(by midi):郭嘉 mix:郭嘉 It's like a song 那心脏的律动就如一首歌 That no one hears 别人是无法听到的 I'm screaming out 我在大声呼叫 But you're not here 可你却不在我身边 All I wanna do 我只想 All I wanna do 我只想 Is say I love you 对你说声我爱你 All I wanna do 我很想 All I wanna do 我很想 Is say I care 对你说我在乎你 Words don't work 言语也无法完全表达 Feeling like they have no worth 感觉再多的话语也成了空气 Here and now 此时此景 There's nothing in between 没什么能够阻挡我们 How could I 我又该如何 Ever describe the way I feel 向你描述形容我的感受 Why should I 已经很明显了 Even try when obviously 为何我还一再的重复尝试 All the words that I say 我说过的话 Seems to get in my way 好像一直在帮倒忙 Only wish I could 我默默祈祷 Say it with a heartbeat 随着心意祈愿 Say it with a 随着心跳说话 It's like a stage 就像在没有观众的舞台上 Without a crowd 独自表演、孤独谢幕 My best performance 这是我最棒的一次演出 But no ones proud 但是没人为我骄傲 All I wanna do 我只想 All I wanna do 我只想 Is say I love you 对你说声我爱你 All I wanna do 我很想 All I wanna do 我很想 Is say I care 对你说我在乎你 Words don't work 言语也无法完全表达 Feeling like they have no worth 感觉再多的话语也成了空气 Here and now 此时此景 There's nothing in between 没什么能够阻挡我们 How could I 我又该如何 Ever describe the way I feel 向你描述形容我的感受 Why should I 已经很明显了 Even try when obviously 为何我还一再的重复尝试 All the words that I say 我说过的话 Seems to get in my way 好像一直在帮倒忙 Only wish I could 我默默祈祷 Say it with a heartbeat 随着心意祈愿 Say it with a 随着心跳祈祷 Say it with a heartbeat 随着心意祈愿