sitting in my glass house while your ghost is sleeping down the hall watching the little birds fly kamikaze missions into the walls think i'm going to stay in today sit on the couch and watch them fall life keeps getting harder and it just keeps getting harder to hide the darker it is around me the easier it is to see inside outside the glass the whole world is magnified and it's half an inch from here to the other side i guess that push has come to this so i guess this must be shove but before you throw those stones at me tell me, what is your house made of? and if you think you know what i'm doing wrong you're gonna have to get in line but for the purposes of this song let's just say i'm doing fine i guess i'm doing fine trapped in my glass house a crowd has been gathering outside since dawn i make a pot of coffee while catastrophe awaits me out on the lawn think i'm going to stay in today and pretend like i don't know what's going on yeah, i guess that push has come to this so i guess this must be shove but before you throw those stones at me tell me, what is your house made of? and if you think you know what i'm doing wrong you're gonna half to get in line but for the purposes of this song let's just say i'm doing fine i think i'm doing fine