作词 : 毛毛Queencs/SJoK 作曲 : 毛毛Queencs/SJoK MIX:SJOK 心丢了一半剩一半的遗憾 学不会习惯当期盼变离散 善良作陪伴假笑是给谁看 心里有两个声音在来回转 想保持沉默并不是没话说 我怕一开口你嫌弃我话多 所以还是保持沉默大不了一个人过 飞往远方的客机我独自乘坐 就空留遗憾 不难堪有多突然 还揣着期盼 难免想要你回来 不哭不笑不想不叫 那就沉默 我困了 我先睡了 不闻不问不饶不闹 也都忘了 你走后 第几夜了 I Said a lot of terrible things to you. No. But I....I know you never.maybe you don't want to talk to me. It's not that. Let me finish.However,my heart was broken,It's always going to be broken.And I know yours is broken,too.But I don't have to carry.I said things that,I should ******* burn in hell for what I said to you. No,no,no,no.Randi,no. It was...I'm just sorry. It..I..I can't ex..I can't I Love you.Maybe i shouldn't say that. No,you can say that. It's just... Please I..I..I..because I..I'm trying to.. 没多少烦恼 沉闷着早就习惯 凌晨四点半 记忆重复着不断 不听不语不舍不断 怎么办 不明白 依然紧拽 不多不少不恨不看 没答案 不应该 毫无悔改 You don't understand.There's nothing there. That's not true. Let me say this.You don't understand. I understand you. I don't know wat to...I know you understand me.I..I...I've got to go. Don't. I'm sorry. 空荡的房间 我一个人孤守 瘫坐在床边 很多话没说出口 找不到离开的出口 错综复杂的枢纽 所有想好的借口在一瞬间化作乌有 不想就这样 每天浑浑噩噩 更不想和你擦肩而过 成为过客 不如继续保持沉默 大不了一个人过 很抱歉 我没有兑现我的 承诺