[00:00]Both sides, and softly came the growl from both sides [00:08]just think of what he's capable of with his kiss [00:18]turned your legs to little building blocks [00:21]and with his index finger flicks you on your socks [00:37]I'll go high pitched, he'll talk and make you voice sound high pitched [00:43]dread to think if he got you on your own [00:50]It's the same stone, his heart was cut out of the same stone [00:57]that they used to calve his jaw, it's impossible not to feel inferior [01:03]And he could catapult you back to your daddy [01:06]or into any hissing misery [01:09]and he will tear you out the day after a triumph is as hollow [01:13]as the day after a tragedy [01:16]he'll extinguish any chance of escape [01:22]and he's leaving without saying 'Bye' [01:57]And you would queue up to listen to him pissing [02:00]and hang around to watch some poor girl blub [02:03]and then they chase him down the avenue [02:06]incessently pestering him to let you join the club [02:10]he knows how to put a cork in the foot [02:16]and they've seen him talking to your lady friend [02:22]there's a dust track waiting for betrayal [02:30]where he'll teach you all the bits they missed [02:42]nice try, you cannot turn away but nice try [03:01]nice try, you cannot turn away but nice try [00:05.500]and if his whisper splits the mist [00:12.500]nice try, you cannot turn away but nice try [00:46.500]and whispered in your ear in that baritone [01:18.500]when he slaps you on your arse or kisses your nape [02:12.500]and just how to shut up the charming ones of us [02:48.500]nice try, you cannot turn away but nice try [02:54.500]nice try, you cannot turn away but nice try [03:12.500]you cannot turn away