Let there be love----Oasis who kicked a hole in the sky 谁在天空踢开了洞 so the heavens would cry over me 让天堂哭泣.滴入我心 who stole the soul from the sun 谁偷走了太阳的灵魂 in a world come undone at the seams 在那支离破碎的世界 let there be love let there be love 就让这里充满爱吧 i hope the weather is calm 我祈祷能万里晴空 as you sail up your heavenly stream 让你可以在天堂的河湾中遨游 suspended clear in the sky 沉静的天空 are the words that we sing in our dreams 如我们梦中的吟唱 let there be love let there be love let there be love let there be love 就让这里充满爱吧 come on baby blue 来吧,忧郁的小孩 shake up your tired eyes 睁开你疲惫的双眼 the world is waiting for you 我的世界只为你存在 may all your dreaming fill the empty sky 让美梦充满整个空洞的天空 but if it makes you happy 假如你感到幸福 keep on clapping 请继续欢呼 just remember i'll be by your side 记住我将永远相伴于你 and if you don't let go, it's gonna pass you by 假如你不能释怀,那么一切的美好将会被你错过 who kicked a hole in the sky 谁在天空中踢开的洞 so the heavens would cry over me 让眼泪从天堂滴落在我的身上 who stole the soul from the sun 谁偷走了太阳的灵魂 in a world come undone at the seams 从那个支离破碎的世界中 let there be love let there be love let there be love let there be love let there be love let there be love let there be love let there be love …… 那么.就让这里充满爱吧