[00:00.000] 作词 : 无 [00:00.000] 作曲 : 无 [00:00.00]《Survival of The Fittest》 Feat. MCK [00:06.68]Compose by 作曲: LH@Blacklist Music [00:09.59]Lyric by 作詞: LH, MCK [00:11.87]Arrange by 編曲: 左老C@GoUp [00:13.35]Producer 監製: 左老C [00:15.72]Mixing/Mastering 後期混音: 左老C [00:17.62]Recording Studio 錄音室: Blacklist Music Recording Studio [00:18.27]Ah Ya ! [00:23.56]勝者為王,敗者為寇 [00:28.30]How many mc fittest ? [00:35.99]MC LH [00:37.54]Verse 1: [00:38.68]現實就係殘酷 [00:39.95]子彈嚟到你嘅頭顱會唔會仲喺度麻目 [00:43.19]冇一個答案殘酷得過死嘅結局 [00:45.98]你有幾多次同過死神接觸 [00:48.27]囚犯嘅路只有通向地獄。 [00:51.10]除咗森林 社會照樣都有殺戮, [00:53.58]所謂適者生存 強食弱肉 [00:56.35]冇辦法唔向現實屈服 [00:58.32]克服超越你自己 準備你自己。 [01:01.38]就算未有機會俾你都要做好準備 [01:03.89]好似刀一樣將佢磨到鋒利 [01:06.47]你成功就咪咁驕傲 [01:08.42]因為一切start from the zero [01:10.30]直到to be a hero. [01:11.66]為嘅係生存 唔會俾佢停止 [01:14.25]學似一粒** [01:15.54]你唔明白嘅話 答案就喺呢度 [01:17.96]What's Next MC [01:19.92] [01:21.91]打入你嘅靈魂 [01:24.92] [01:26.96]Keep This Live [01:29.55]連死都唔怕 仲有乜野好怕 [01:34.88]勝者為王 敗者為寇 [01:37.10]有人冇膽生存 有人有膽去死 [01:39.93]弱者俾人淘汰出唻 只有強者先可以生存落唻 [01:46.21] [01:48.99]Verse 2: [01:49.78]cause i'm a paradigm splitter 因爲我是個**者 [01:51.33]wit sharper than rest 冷静不失於我的機智 [01:52.63]as I put the mic onto the pedestal 當我把麥高風放到台上 [01:54.07]i'm riding the crest 像攀到了置頂的位置 [01:55.20]touching the vibe, right until the moment 觸摸這個氛圍, 直到那一刻 [01:56.76]it's taking my high 這讓我興奮 [01:57.73]take it in stride 順其自然地 [01:58.62]as I drop the verbal message getting by 當我把口頭訊息發出 [02:00.34]this is the struggle, huddle underneath 有些掙扎 隱藏於底的思緒 [02:01.93]rubble of thought 思想的碎片 [02:03.07]dead landscape, reiterate 如死寂的景觀, 又再重申 [02:04.47]bottles we bought 我們擁有的瓶子 [02:05.45]broke dreams that we caught 打破了我們捕抓的夢想 [02:06.58]STDs, and we fought 如**一般蔓延 [02:07.77]with our system to defend against 用我們的機智就如防御系统 [02:09.05]obsidian draughts 正如黑曜石跳棋 [02:10.29]survival of the fittest, 適者生存 [02:11.31]burned every one the bridges, 燒毀每一座橋樑 [02:12.34]Darwinian, with chameleon eyes 如達爾文,如變色龍的眼睛 [02:14.66]so we can blend in 融入其中 [02:15.79]surviving the fight, the creatures stalking the night 生物在戰鬥中生存下來,在夜裡潛行 [02:17.86]so try to run up, 要嘗試追上前, [02:18.99]mother ****er, test my might 考驗我們的力量 [02:20.49]I got the fight burning in veins 我的熱血沸騰 [02:22.09]like a dose of insane, feeling no pain 就像打上一劑藥物,再感覺不到疼痛 [02:23.06]as it rips the ligaments 就算是撕裂了韌帶 [02:24.35]that hold the game intact 掌握大局 [02:26.31]weather churns, 天氣大亂 [02:27.40]seas boil 海洋沸騰 [02:27.98]the plates about to crack 板塊即將開裂 [02:28.75]so come now and watch the glory 你們都來看看是什麼證明了榮耀所在 [02:29.94]on the track 於這條軌道之上 [02:31.28] [02:31.84]勝者為王 [02:36.13]敗者為寇 [02:41.24]勝者為王 敗者為寇 [02:43.55]有人冇膽生存 有人有膽去死 [02:46.32]弱者俾人淘汰出唻 [02:48.54]只有強者先可以生存落唻 [02:50.89]Verse 3: [02:51.25]仲有好萬長又驚險路途 [02:53.30]冇人可以將我就咁畫上句號 [02:56.31]唔對路嘅世界冇得逼你吞後退步 [02:58.93]唻一個殺一個想阻我去路 [03:01.46]你繼續生活去 飲飽食醉 [03:03.84]唔識居安思危仲點同世界敵對 [03:06.36]你要識 點樣搵到生存之道 [03:09.09]遊戲玩到呢度 你都仲未知道 [03:11.57]你試圖用自己腦去反省 [03:14.03]但環境已經逼你完全機械慣性 [03:16.61]用智慧跳出呢個範圍唔可以再輸 [03:19.16]因為會隨時無命成為刀下針板嘅魚 [03:21.79]一次又一次僥倖避開死神接觸 [03:24.26]一早Set好一套結局唔洗閃縮you know [03:26.78]經過一劫又一劫經歷生死輪迴 [03:29.40]最後一頁寫底字句以死嚟奉陪 [03:32.48] [03:37.18]**** Baby ! Survival of The Fittest ! [03:44.85]我見到嘅只係一片森林,森林! [03:49.87] [03:57.78]你見到係一個城市定一片森林? [04:03.45] [04:10.36]Did You Feel, Man? [04:13.28]