Gy gy gy, gyrate Gy gy gy, gyrate Gy gy gy, gyrate Gy gy gy, gyrate Knuckles on the mound with the weight of the ground If I don't let this go it'll happen now I've been taking care of myself since I was six years old Secret to my success is to gyrate it In the middle of a party In the middle of the floor You can get it all out right now Wiggle your ass around Feel the vibes coming up through your toes Let it all go, you must have to gyrate it Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ahhhh Knuckles on the mound with the weight of the ground If I don't let this go it'll happen now I've been taking care of myself since I was six years old Secret to my success is to gyrate it In the middle of a party In the middle of the floor You can get it all out right now Wiggle your ass around Feel the vibes coming up through your toes Let it all go, you must have to gyrate it Gyrate Gyrate Gyrate Gyrate