Augsburg eagle 109 Mottled battle dress Lifting-off climbing up high Der scwarm lined up abreast Cutting through the ice cold air On wings burdened with fuel and led I'll fly and fight my rest will come At wars end or when I am dead The word Frei Jagd is given Arm your guns and set the trim Watch out for the escort Now let the hunt begin Where eagles fly eternal sky The battlefield up high Twist and strike my mount of knights My faithful Augsburg eagle 109 White contrails across the sky Target sighted 2'o clock high Steadily on giant wings in a box formation Now the killing begins I comence a run-in from astern Six barrel's of mind sound Trailing smoke the bomber tuble Spinning nose down first towards the ground Out of ammunition Low on fuel I break away To whell down refuel and rearm To intercept their second wave Hanging by your prop I climb Again in the sky Way above those blooded fields My faithful Augsburg eagle 109