1. Buried Among Skeletal Woods   葬于骸骨之林      The autumn is arrived   秋日以至   All the forest's trees   这里的树   Seem as burned skeleton on the night   仿佛燃烧的骸骨   The rain fall from the moon   雨自月而降   Full of desperation   充满了绝望   On this time of deep melancholy   在这无限绝望的时光   I have to wander   我只能徘徊   To seek my body   找寻我的躯体   That's falled on the heretical's chasm   我那落入异教深渊的肉体   I am my soul   我只是一个鬼魂   This sad autumnal wood will be my grave   这悲伤的秋木就是我的坟冢~      I'm near the place of death   在死亡的边缘   I feel my body   我感觉到了我的身体   That suffer its eternal pain   那承受着无尽痛楚的身体   With dismal light of moon   和凄凉的月光   All seems without life   一切看来是那样死寂   Burned trees embrace my soul   燃烧的朽木拥抱我的灵魂   The rain fall here   落在这里的雨水   And wash all blood   洗去了我通体的热血   But you can hear   但你能听到   My bloody mouth   我血淋淋的口舌   That screams and crys its tormented pain   仍在哭嚎着疼痛的折磨囧   What a horrible vision   多么恐怖的一幕!   Must to see my eyes   看见我的眼睛   Looking at my corpse   看着我的尸体   I understand what I felt   我明白了   Picking up my body   拾起我的身体   I want to be buried   我只想被安葬   Far away from the consecrated earth   安葬在远离圣土的地方   The sky's turning black   天空霎时阴沉   Nature shows its power   自然显示出它的威力   To honour my unholy death      Shouting to the sky   向天大喊   Cursing the god of weak   诅咒脆弱的上帝   I fill my soul of hate   用仇恨填满我的灵魂   My dust will remain here   我的坟墓将在这里   Among this skeletal wood   就在这骸骨之树的脚下   Where mourning and sadness reign   那被痛苦和悲伤统治的地方   [F.G. Smara - Spring / Summer 2002]