If this is a dream coming true Why does it feel so damn hollow So manu words unsaid make it hard to swallow I put on a happy face So you don't guess what I'm thinking If this is a dream coming true why am I sinking I like to keep things real So you can escape the smiles and the faking brace If you have something to tell to me why don't you saying it to my face I foot so hard to get here I don't see myself backing down If this is a dream coming true Why does it feel I'm gonna drown If this is a dream coming true Why does it feel so damn hollow So many words unsaid make it hard to swallow I like to keep things real So you can escape the smiles and the faking brace If you have something to tell me why don't you saying it to my face I foot so hard get here I don't see myself backing down If this is a dream coming true Why does it feel I'm gonna drown And I work so hard to get here I don't see myself backing down