歌曲:有谁能像你 歌手:盛晓玫 专辑:就在这里 有谁能像祢 谁能触摸我心深处像祢 天涯海角用我一生寻觅 找不到 有谁能像祢 有谁能像祢 谁能触摸我心深处像祢 天涯海角用我一生寻觅 找不到 有谁能像祢 哈阿 There is none like you No one else can touch my heart like you do I could search for all eternity long and find There is none like you There is none like you No one else can touch my heart like you do I could search for all eternity long and find There is none like you 有谁能像祢 谁能触摸我心深处像祢 天涯海角用我一生寻觅 找不到 有谁能像祢 天涯海角用我一生寻觅 找不到 有谁能像祢 有谁能有谁能像祢