作曲 : Robert Lopez/Trey Parker/Matt Stone ELDER CUNNINGHAM: And lo, the Lord said unto the Nephites: "I know you're really depressed, what with all your... AIDS and everything... But there is an answer in Christ." NABULUNGI: You see? This book CAN help us! ELDER CUNNINGHAM: I just told a lie. No,wait, I didn't LIE... I just used my imagination... And it worked! CUNNINGHAMS FATHER: You're making things up again, Arnold. ELDER CUNNINGHAM: But it worked, dad! CUNNINGHAMS FATHER: You're stretching the truth again, And you know it- JOSEPH SMITH: Don't be a Fibbing Fran, Arnold. ELDER CUNNINGHAM: Joseph Smith...? SMITH AND FATHER: Because a lie is a lie. ELDER CUNNINGHAM: It's not a lie! MORONI, MORMON, SMITH, and FATHER: You're making things up again, Arnold! ELDER CUNNINGHAM: Oh, conscience! MORONI, MORMON, SMITH, and FATHER: You're taking the holy word And adding fiction! Be careful how you prcoeed, Arnold. When you fib, there's a price. MUTUMBO: Ahh, this it bullshit! The story that I have been told is that the way to cure AIDS is by sleeping with a virgin! I'm going to go and rape a baby! ELDER CUNNINGHAM: What?! Oh my-NO! You cant do that!!! NO! MUTUMBO: Why not?! ELDER CUNNINGHAM: Because that is DEFINITELY against God's will! MUTUMBO: Says who?! Where in that book of yours does it say ANYTHING about sleeping with a baby, huh?! Nowhere. ELDER CUNNINGHAM: Uh, behold! The Lord said to the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith: "You SHALL NOT have sex with that infant!" LO! Joseph said: "Why not, Lord? Huh? Why not?" And the Lord said, "If you lay with that infant, you shall.... BURN in the fiery pits of Mordar!!!" MUTUMBO: ...really? ELDER CUNNINGHAM: Uh-uh... Uh-uh! "A baby cannot cure your illness, Joseph Smith. I shall give unto you... a FROG! And thus, Joesph laid with the frog, and his AIDS was no more! MORONI, MORMON, SMITH, and DAD: You're making things up again, Arnold. You're recklessly warping the words of Jesus! HOBBITS: You cant just say what you want, Arnold! ELDER CUNNINGHAM: Come, on, Hobbits! ALL: You're digging yourself a deep hole! ELDER CUNNINGHAM: I'm making things up again...kind of. But this time, it's helping a dozen people! It's nothing so bad, because this time, I'm not committing a sin, Just by making things up again, right?! ALL:NO! NABULUNGI: Elder Cunningham, you have to stop him! ELDER CUNNINGHAM: What? What is it? NABULUGI: Gotswana is going to cut off his daughter's ********! ELDER CUNNINGHAM: Huh?! GOTSWANA: This is all very interesting, but women have to be circumcised if that's what the General wants! ELDER CUNNINGHAM: No, doing that to a lady is definitely against Christ's will! GOTSWANA: How do you know?! Christ never said NONE about no ********! ELDER CUNNINGHAM: ...YES! YES HE DID! In ancient New York, three men were about to cut off a Mormon woman's...********. But...right before they did, Jesus had... BOBA FETT turn'em into FROGS! GOTSWANA: Frogs? ASMERET: You mean like the frogs that got ****ed by Joseph Smith?! ELDER CUNNINGHAM: Right! Right! Like THOSE frogs! For a ******** is holy amongst ALL things, said he! MORONI, MORMON, SMITH, DAD, and HOBBITS: You're making things up again, Arnold. (UGANDANS:We're learning the truth!) CHORUS: Youre taking the holy word And adding fiction! (UGANDANS: The truth about God!) CHORUS: Be careful how you proceed, Arnold. When you fib, there's a price! ( UGANDANS: We're going to paradise! ) ELDER CUNNINGHAM: Who would have thought I had this magic touch? Who'd believe I could man up this much? I'm talking, they're listening, My stories are glistening I'm gonna save them all with this stuff! (UGANDANS: Ooooh- La) CHORUS:You're making things up again, Arnold! (UGANDANS: Elder Cunningham!) CHORUS: You're making things up again, Arnold! (UGANDANS: Holy prophet man!) CHORUS: You're making things up again, Arnold! (UGANDANS:Our savior!) ELDER CUNNINGHAM:You're making things up again... WIZENED OLD JEDI MASTER: Hmmm, up again making things you are- ELDER CUNNINGHAM: ...Arnold...