作词 : Choir长诗半乐团/ChoirGray/Christin Brown 作曲 : Choir长诗半乐团/ChoirGray/Christin Brown 编曲 : Choir长诗半乐团/Christin Brown ChoirGray 鼓 : Choir长诗半乐团/Choir小宇 吉他/贝斯 : Choir长诗半乐团/Christin Brown I find my seat at the back of the plane(我发现我的座位在飞机的最后一排) I kept my head down most of that day(这一整天我都有点垂头丧气) I get my headphone and finally look around(我放下我的耳机然后环顾一周) An old couple on the phone with their son(一对老夫妇在跟他们的儿子打电话) Maybe the first time they gonna see him(也许这是他们第一次去看望他) the speakers on But they think they need to shout(通话开着免提但是他们却依然觉得需要更大的声音) Get me out(让我滚出去吧) A businessman in the suit and tie(一位商务男士穿着西服打着领带) On his laptop all day and night(整天都在看着他的电脑) As soon as he sits down, he is back to work(当他刚刚坐下,他就继续工作了) I seem this movie a million times(这些电影我已经看了几百万次了) Everybody in line for their fight(每个人都在排队寻找着自己的座位) I can’t never sleep on this thing, but I am fine(我简直不能入睡但我还好) Wasting time.(浪费时间) 12 hour flight(十二小时航班) 12 hour flight(十二小时航班) I am sick wasting half of my day with 400 strangers all stuck on this plane(我已经厌倦了和400个陌生人纠结在飞机上整个半天) I am counting the seconds until I can get away. To LA(我在倒数着分秒何时能抵达终点 洛杉矶) After an hour into the flight, the girl beside me gave a deep side.(过了一小时,坐在我身边的女孩深深入睡) Put her head on my shoulder and close her eyes.(她的头不经意的靠着我的肩膀然后闭着眼睛) She asked if I had a charger to spare (她问我有没有空闲的充电器) She kept the whole time in the air.(她借走了并占用了一整个飞行时间) I watched her boyfriend text arrive from my chair(我看见她男朋友不断地给她发消息) As the plane got closer to land (当飞机即将降落) Everybody had forms in their hands(每个人都开始填写的入境单) She had her backpack but didn’t have any pens(她的书包里居然没有带一支笔) I gave her mine and question her why(我给了她我的并问她为什么不带笔) She was so unprepared for this flight(她对于这次航班毫无准备) She believe in the kindness of stranger’s heart (她相信她会遇到一个善良的陌生人) Here we are(好吧 好吧) 12 hour flight(十二小时航班) 12 hour flight(十二小时航班) I am sick wasting half of my day with 400 strangers all stuck on this plane(我已经厌倦了和400个陌生人纠结在飞机上整个半天) I am counting the seconds until I can get away. To LA(我在倒数着分秒何时能抵达终点 洛杉矶) 12 hour flight(十二小时航班)