Ye Jacobites by name lend an ear, lend an ear 杰库比特请你倾听,请你倾听 Ye Jacobites by name lend an ear 杰库比特请你倾听 Ye Jacobites by name your faults I will proclaim 杰库比特我会宣告你的过失 Your doctrines I must blame, you shall hear. 我会谴责你的想法,请你倾听 What is right and what is wrong by the law, by the law 什么是错什么是对 What is right and what is wrong by the law 什么是错什么是对 What is right and what is wrong, a short sword and a long 什么是错什么是对,一把长剑或短剑 A weak arm and a strong for to draw. 被一个虚弱或强壮的手挥动 What makes heroic strife famed afar, famed afar? 是什么让英雄的斗争闻名远方,闻名远方 What makes heroic strife famed afar? 是什么让英雄的斗争闻名远方 What makes heroic strife, to whet the assassin's knife 是什么让英雄的斗争闻名远方,磨把刺客的刀 Or hunt a parent's life with bloody war. 在血腥的战争中寻找生还的亲人 Then leave your schemes alone in the state, in the state 把你的宏图从这个国度拿走,从这个国度 Then leave your schemes alone in the state 把你的宏图从这个国度拿走,从这个国度 Then leave your schemes alone, adore the rising sun 把你的宏图从这个国度拿走,去崇拜太阳 And leave a man alone to his fate. 让一个男人孤独面对自己的命运 Then leave your schemes alone, adore the rising sun 把你的宏图从这个国度拿走,去崇拜太阳 And leave a man alone to his fate... 让一个男人孤独面对自己的命运 And leave a man alone to his fate. 让一个男人孤独面对自己的命运