[00:01.03]Sometimes I beheaded them, with daggers, with poignards, with knives [00:05.45]Sometimes I suspended them in my room from a pole, or by a hook and cords and strangled them [00:12.59]And when they were languishing, I committed with them the evils of the flesh [00:41.72]The evening air laps thick about [00:43.99]The stagnant moat that Tiffuages claims [00:47.43]As dusk now slips away [00:51.10]Where taught to run, the rotten tongue [00:53.47]Of a hotter Götterdämerung [00:56.52]Has started licking like a flame [01:06.05]Whispers in the dismal mist [01:08.05]Are full of crystal promises [01:15.16]Black rites begun in earnest [01:17.82]Ignite Hell's hungry furnace [01:39.63]Behold the bold inauguration of the dark side [01:44.49]Demonic passions climbing [01:46.96]Ill-fated stars aligning [01:49.31]Tonight these sights are guaranteed to feed the master [01:53.84]The tide of blood is rising [01:56.35]His gifts will be providing [01:59.79]Unmasked, the phantom lord de Rais [02:03.38]Haunts the furthest tower [02:05.52]Wherein death has sucked the hour [02:09.08]There, throttled gasps are tantamount to foreplay [02:12.95]And drooling razors next to come [02:15.26]Unspool red secrets from the young [02:27.03]The moon grinned full, the games were chaste [02:29.42]When the children first arrived [02:31.77]Now midnight shadows crawl apace [02:34.81]To darken council with their lives [02:56.10]Flesh and ecstasy as sport [02:58.60]Are immortal vices of the highest order [03:01.85]Wherein devilry holds sway [03:05.59]Behold blind walls where these cockatrice squalled [03:08.20]Their songs of Necronomicon [03:11.31]Spoke out of Gilles de Rais [03:15.64]Behold the bold inauguration of the dark side [03:20.32]Demonic passions climbing [03:22.81]Ill-fated stars aligning [03:25.21]Tonight these sights are guaranteed to feed the master [03:29.76]The tide of blood is rising [03:32.14]His gifts will be providing [03:35.71]Unmasked, the phantom lord de Rais [03:39.28]Haunts the furthest tower [03:41.38]Wherein death has sucked the hour [03:44.92]There, throttled gasps are tantamount to foreplay [03:48.77]And drooling razors next to come [03:50.81]Unspool red secrets from the young [04:03.11]Each murdered son, each frozen rose [04:05.33]Handpicked, was gently fed [04:07.84]To the sumptuous one in black and those [04:10.84]Whose lives where thrown in with the dead [04:22.94]The candles lit, the stage was set [04:27.03]As it was in sainted days [04:32.10]When censers swung and banners hung [04:36.46]On the Siege of Orleans on the painted Seine [04:50.86]Now the castle floats in the drifting fog [04:54.04]Torn from it's moorings [04:56.15]Like a shipwreck dredged from Hell [05:00.43]As innocents entreat a shifting God [05:03.47]Their voices soaring [05:06.01]On a silver tide to heaven [05:08.65]On a knife edge as they fell [05:19.67]The blade would plunge in virulent arcs [05:22.29]Such wounds would stretch away [05:24.76]By the fireside, warmed to creative sparks [05:27.64]Of the monster Gilles de Rais [05:33.51]Gilded Gilles de Rais [05:39.08]Comets vomited [05:41.56]The restless bells of crime [05:44.25]Peeled black skin from broken bones [05:46.77]Of angels cut from the nicks of time [05:58.57]Festering faces with painted eyes [06:00.85]The prettiest kept to be thrust inside [06:03.32]Gaping necromantic from the mantle-side [06:05.64]Caked in kissed goodbyes [06:11.84]Caked in kissed goodbyes [06:17.52]Days faded in decay [06:19.78]The stench of perfume lied [06:22.04]No horror in the glades of man [06:25.02]Was left for Barron to provide [06:55.72]So unique was the beat of his poisoned heart [06:58.15]And it's sordid, morbid crack [07:00.31]No further atrocity could possibly surpass [07:02.74]Unrewarded, bored, he turned his burning back [07:34.89]The evening air laps thick about [07:37.40]The moat that Tiffuages claims [07:40.06]As dusk now slips away [07:43.88]Where taught to run, the rotten tongue [07:46.23]Of a hotter Götterdämerung [07:49.39]Has started licking like a flame