When Tanya and Joe set out on open road No one thought she'd ever be back It takes a village to show It's children how to grow But the weak are still driven from the pack They met in de-tox seems so many years ago Her bane was booze, his was methadone They realised you can't fight that shit with lies That's when they started to roam She'd been pierced, he tattooed waist to head Both bore the brand of outsiders Dodging police cars With bridges for a bed They rode the Western sky, dark riders It wasn't that simple, but better than back home Far better than the expectations and the curse Once they were beaten but mostly they made love In fields of the universe One summer night under silvery moon Policemen, looking for a man A veteran whose daughter Had died from the spoon Careless bullet found Tanya as she ran Now Joe's still vagrant and he curses all of those Who took Tanya back to be buried with her kin She wanted her ashes tossed on a river that flowed Anywhere she had never been