作词 : 无/无 作曲 : GH2yy 编曲:GH2yy 对白采样《爱在黄昏日落时》 What dreams? 什么梦? I have these dreams, you know, that I'm standing on a platform and you keep going by on a train. 我做了一个梦,梦见我站在月台上,而你不停的坐火车经过。 And you go by, and you go by, and you go by, you go by. 你就是不停的经过、经过、经过、经过。 And I wake up with the ******* sweats, you know? 然后我被吓醒,浑身冷汗。 And I know that there's something wrong, you know, 我知道那不对劲,我不能... that I can't...that I can't keep living like this, that there's gotta be more to love than commitment. 我不能再这样活下去了,爱的意义一定不仅仅是责任。 But then I think that I might have given up on the whole idea of romantic love. 但然后我又想,也许我已经不相信浪漫的爱情了。 That I might have put it to bed, that...That day when you weren't there. 我可能早已经不信了,自从我没有见到你那天。 You know, I think I might have done that. 我想,我可能就开始消沉了。 Why are you telling me all this? 你为什么要和我说这些? I'm sorry. I don't know. 对不起,我不知道。 I'm I should...I shouldn't have. 我...我应该...我不该说的。 You know, it's so weird. 你知道吗,很奇怪, People think they are the only one going through tough times. 人们总是觉得自己是唯一经过痛苦的人。 I mean, when I read the article, I thought your life was perfect. 当我读那些文章的时候,我觉得你的生活是完美的。 A wife, a kid, published authon 有太太、孩子、出版了自己的作品。 But your personal life is more of a mess than mine. I'm sorry. 但现在看来你的生活比我还糟。对不起。 Well, I'm glad it's good for something. 还好有些方面还过得去。 Oh, monsieur, c'est la! Rentrez dans la passe la.... (法语)噢,先生,就是那儿!把车停到那个通道里就行了。