[00:00.000] 作词 : 无/无 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 神奇小仙子 [00:08.488]we used to look up in the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. [00:09.490]我們曾經仰望著浩瀚的星空思考自身的存在 [00:16.512]now we just look down and worry about our place in dirt. [00:20.274]現在只能想著怎麼在沙塵暴中活下去 [01:01.539]stepping out into the unverse we must confront the reality of interstellar travel. [01:02.543]踏入宇宙 我們就必須面對星際旅行的各種現實條件 [01:05.554]we must reach far beyond our own lifespans. [01:06.808]必須要遠遠的超越我們個體生命的範疇 [01:09.565]we must think not as individuals but as a species. [01:10.067]不能以個體思維來思考問題 要以種群為前提 [01:16.841]do not go gentle into that good night. [01:19.599]不要溫順地走進這個良夜 [02:10.775]It looks good for your trajectory . [02:11.780]航行軌跡看起來不錯 [02:13.787]we've calculated two years to Saturn. [02:14.540]到達土星還需要兩年 [02:17.802]we'll be eating for you when you get back. [02:18.054]我們會一直等著你們歸來 [02:20.813]A little older, a little wiser,but happy to see you. [02:21.315]多了年紀,多了智慧,還有重逢的喜悅 [02:26.581]Do not go gentle into that good night. [02:27.332]不要溫順地走進那個良夜 [02:30.593]old age should burn and rave at close of day. [02:31.345]激情不能被消沉的暮色淹沒 [02:37.614]Rage,rage against the dying of the light. [02:38.116]咆哮吧 咆哮 痛斥那光的退縮 [02:41.377]Though wise men at their end know dark is right. [02:43.131]智者在臨終的時候對黑暗妥協 [02:45.640]Because their words had forked no lightning they. [02:46.392]是因為它們的語言已經黯然失色 [02:48.650]Do not go gentle into that good night. [02:50.655]它們也不想被夜色迷惑 [02:53.412]Rage,rage against the dying of the light.