[00:00.000] 作词 : noisybox [00:01.000] 作曲 : noisybox [00:21.925]sxckers always talk about me [00:23.925]不识相的小宝贝喜欢在背后嚼舌根 [00:24.675]those axxhole always talk about me [00:26.675]他们只会对我指指点点 [00:27.425]and the biches they like to talk about me [00:29.674]还有那些臭娘们儿也是一样 [00:30.425]seems like they can do it like me ay [00:31.675]就像他们可以像我一样牛逼 [00:33.117]dont talk about me x99 [00:42.616]把嘴给闭上 [00:44.117]看我一棍子 [00:45.117]打死你们这帮小混子 [00:46.616]别议论 有报应 [00:48.116]输了就别抱怨没道理 [00:49.367]不守道义 捅一刀你 [00:50.616]电话你都不敢接 [00:52.115]给点教训 留个烙印 [00:53.365]方便以后见个面 [00:54.867]u wanna F with me [00:55.866]但排行榜你算是老几 [00:57.617]to the top 天梯队里我最dirt [01:00.366]你想要 rich [01:01.116]根本就没那么容易 [01:02.117]快过来当我徒弟 [01:03.117]hold up oh bich [01:03.865]你我就那点差距 [01:04.866]但也要 suck my dxck [01:05.867](泰语) [01:06.366]我下点药 [01:07.115]毒死这帮老鼠 [01:07.616]同时捂着鼻 [01:08.865]高科技 [01:09.615]一天五顿饭我拥有高福利 [01:11.366]刀磨利 [01:12.367]劝你拜神贴张倒福字 [01:14.115]太膨胀了 [01:15.366]你分不清天和地 [01:16.866]your keep real [01:18.617]我当然也会讲 [01:19.866]不是只有你 一个人家里开了厂 [01:22.617]不是只有我 一个人会看你不爽 [01:25.367]不是只有他 有问题到街上来讲 [01:28.617]sxckers always talk about me [01:29.116]不识相的小宝贝喜欢在背后嚼舌根 [01:30.865]those axxhole always talk about me [01:32.367]他们只会对我指指点点 [01:33.365]and the biches they like to talk about me [01:35.867]还有那些臭娘们儿也是一样 [01:36.365]seems like they can do it like me ay [01:38.366]就像他们可以像我一样牛逼 [01:39.115]dont talk about me x99 [01:42.807]把嘴给闭上 [01:49.808]只认我兄弟不认道理 [01:51.808]you cant talk about me [01:53.058]cant talk about us [01:54.059]我高级 又接地气 的句子 [01:55.809]超级暴力 地开始操作 [01:57.810]对淘气 的小孩进行 教育 [01:59.808]remember mama tell me [02:00.809]别跟宝贝分高低 [02:02.808]我必须操作所有圣母婊和白莲花 [02:05.059]他终于也轮到你 [02:06.557]别着急 [02:07.308]一个个来 [02:08.059]你整个团队没有人配 [02:09.558]跟我站上一张台 [02:12.058]要玩freestyle我系老师你系students [02:14.808]要玩freestyle我超成熟但你系children [02:17.559]your expectant is me in the moment [02:20.308]d解一个中山佬个阳江话华比你标准 [02:23.558]所以多读书 多学习 把姿态再放低两倍 [02:26.059]我演过上千人的show 也试过没有出场费 [02:28.808]我就系劲到劲到劲到劲到唔知点讲 [02:31.307]me & lit马唔止威猛仲好似神兵天降 [02:34.559]sxckers always talk about me [02:36.057]不识相的小宝贝喜欢在背后嚼舌根 [02:36.809]those axxhole always talk about me [02:38.807]他们只会对我指指点点 [02:39.559]and the biches they like to talk about me [02:41.809]还有那些臭娘们儿也是一样 [02:42.559]seems like they can do it like me ay [02:44.807]就像他们可以像我一样牛逼 [02:45.558]dont talk about me x99 [02:47.059]把嘴给闭上 [02:48.058]@MWG无为音乐 [02:49.808]混音制作:lil fish