All!! Today we'll discuss economic perversion for profit and for domination Leaders chuckle with a hideous glee Pen in hand, please sign here, right here in blood (I want the truth.) You can't handle the truth! On the dotted line, your people one step closer to becoming free We'll sell you all these ******* weapons Just take a look Automatic rifles, tanks and some explosives too Amongst the poverty, we'll hide Seeds for atrocities, dismemberment and mutilation Destructive solutions, a common strategy in our business Insolvency issues and a stack debt of manufactured We know you're ******* hungry but you better take a ****** for the rich Don't worry, we insist Your people will be liberated No more inconsideration Insufficient education shall enforce the legitimation of our deal Trust Here, it's a good price Buy these instruments of destruction **** it We'll even show you how to use them Detrimental training tearing up consensus on a peaceful situation Inhaling violence like your conscience has eroded Into an infectious dust thrust into the winds of time Contagiously scraping lungs further down the line We'll take it back, everything and more Everything and more Oh, we're selling missiles by the ****** truckload We make our profits selling death So back the **** down and shut your mouths We don't need to listen Our media will brand you as a bunch of terrorists The news anchor speaks as if she tells the truth Insurgents breached the peace And leaders turned their backs on their people Slaughtering the innocent Where did they get the capabilities or the know how? We have reason to believe They're harbouring weapons of mass destruction Oh! And some oil too ******* terrorist scum The perfect alibi for repetitive propaganda Hate The news anchor squirms The concept for religion is the perfect influence for hate Speaking scripted words One system of control supporting another A political use of religion works perfect when you create racism They're using biological warfare The sky rains down a cloud of an infectious gas Searing skies and attacking nervous systems Sickening as vital organs dissolve It's sickening as we dupe the public Sickening as we invade their land Causing devastation, death and destruction Sick Oh wait, they're retaliating Obviously with the goal of sending a message to the powers of the west It's retaliation through more ****** death An endless murderous cycle Perpetuated by religious and political systems Genius really They've got us fighting with each other and it makes them richer The best solution to lowering the population Is to turn us against one another There is no ******* war, only terrorism There is no ******* war, only terrorism An endless cycle of manufactured violence Where world leaders kill more than any so-called terror ever will