Gagged with propaganda Blindfold removed, time to wake the **** up You little ******* piece of filth You need to sit the **** down Quivering, hyperventilating As the residuum of a disemboweled monarch Slowly coils around your closed mind And un-awakened, brain dead form Skull removed, exposing the brain to the world Now you're open-minded, ***** Removed, exposing the brain to the world Now you're open-minded Conforming slut Oh, let us scrape the residuum inside You'll gain a new appreciation for disembowelment Inciting devourment Of this putrid system that's infected with false hope False dreams, false beliefs, false systems All of this falseness; work 8 hours, sleep 8 hours Coward! Do this, do that Do not question authority Breed, misconceive Choke on the disinformation that they feed In a glorified planet-wide lab Hold still society, it's just a quick jab Strapped down with the cranium exposed Now you're open-minded, ***** Plastic gloves and a surgeon's mask Blood dripping down your forehead Reminiscing of a third eye Now you're ******* open-minded, ***** Your detachment from reality Obscured by the residual leftovers of a greedy infestation A swarm, swarming the world like a disease Infecting every putrid sect with isolation Manipulation on a planet-wide scale Like some sickening legion of disgusting parasites