[00:00.000] 作词 : 尤泽熠 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 尤泽熠/黄睿阳/黄杰 [00:09.942]主唱/采样:尤泽熠 [00:20.193]吉他:黄睿阳/杨逸洲 [00:30.189]贝斯:郭臻源 [00:33.695]鼓:黄杰 [00:52.190]GET THE [00:55.696]Does that really mean anything [00:56.194]这样真的有什么意思吗 [00:56.940]Put away your ridiculous nonsense [00:57.194]收起你那可笑的一套吧 [00:58.193]There's so much time [00:58.193]有这么多时间在这做跳梁小丑 [01:00.446]You might as well create more meaning [01:00.446]不如去做点有意义的事情 [01:01.945]What do you think I mean? [01:02.442]你看我有所谓吗? [01:03.942]I just laughed and said, you can't beat me [01:04.695]我的回应就是一笑而过,你根本击倒不了我 [01:06.192]And this song for you [01:06.192]还有这首专门送给你的歌 [01:08.446]Happiness? Are you smiling now? [01:08.701]幸福吗?你现在开心了吗? [01:10.198]All your mean words to me [01:10.695]那一切对我相向的恶语 [01:12.694]Trying to destroy me completely [01:12.694]都是想要将我完全毁灭 [01:14.947]Cut me up piece by piece [01:15.447]一片一片把我切碎 [01:16.945]Reverse black and white [01:17.444]颠倒是非 反转黑白 [01:19.195]Am I a little angel? Oh, hey? [01:19.694]我是不是一个小天使?哦哟? [01:20.692]Write you a song? [01:20.692]为你写歌? [01:20.950]But in the end I'm not a saint [01:21.448]不过最终我也不是什么圣人 [01:22.447]I still want to swear [01:22.690]还是想骂一句 : [01:23.701]Everything you said is [01:23.701]你说的话全是些辣鸡 [01:24.699]Suck me ,haters [01:27.939]I'll finish you in a spit [01:27.939]我一个唾沫星子就可以了结你 [01:29.448]Go and dream it all [01:30.447]快去做梦吧 [01:30.690]You can blind yourself [01:30.690]你可以蒙蔽自己 [01:32.943]Be the king of your own spiritual world [01:33.941]做自己精神世界中的“王者” [01:35.692]I'll finish you in a look [01:35.949]我一个眼神就能了结你 [01:37.190]There's everything in the dream [01:37.190]梦里啥都有 [01:41.196]I don't need any advices from you losers [01:41.196]我不需要失败者的批评 [01:42.195]You can blind yourself [01:42.939]你可以蒙蔽自己 [01:43.951]Be the king of your own spiritual world [02:03.941]做自己精神世界中的“王者” [02:04.940]Are you pissed at me all the time [02:05.439]你一直都对我很不爽是因为 [02:06.192]You think I'm perfect [02:06.450]你觉得我太完美无缺了 [02:07.950]That's why you're here to make trouble for me. [02:09.944]这就是你来找我麻烦的原因 [02:10.699]: [02:11.941]That's because I am beautiful [02:14.193]因为我太好看 [02:16.446]That's because I am so handsome [02:17.944]因为我太帅了 [02:20.440]That's because I am excellent [02:22.191]因为我太优秀 [02:24.201]That's because you're too scared of me [02:24.699]因为你太怕我了 [02:26.442]Sometimes I wonder if I need to say this [02:26.696]有时候我不知道自己是否有必要这么说出来 [02:28.451]But haters don't care how you feel [02:28.694]但那些人根本不会在乎你的感受 [02:30.948]They won't stop because of your tenderness [02:31.447]他们不会因为你的温柔应对而不再犯傻 [02:32.700]So let me start fighting back [02:32.700]所以让我开始反击 [02:34.695]Sometimes I wonder if I need to say this [02:35.694]有时候我不知道自己是否有必要这么说出来 [02:36.451]But haters don't care how you feel [02:36.950]但那些人根本不会在乎你的感受 [02:38.946]They won't stop because of your tenderness [02:39.446]他们不会因为你的温柔应对而不再犯傻 [02:40.942]So let me start counterattacking [02:41.942]所以让我开始反击 [02:53.946]PUNCH! [02:55.445]So let me start fighting back [02:56.942]所以让我开始反击 [02:58.194]So let me start counterattacking [02:58.694]所以让我开始反击 [03:00.691]All your mean words to me [03:00.691]那一切对我相向的恶语 [03:02.445]Trying to destroy me completely [03:02.699]都是想要将我完全毁灭 [03:04.700]Cut me up piece by piece [03:04.700]一片一片把我切碎 [03:06.450]Reverse black and white [03:06.450]颠倒是非 反转黑白 [03:08.190]Am I a little angel? Oh, hey? [03:08.190]我是不是一个小天使?哦哟? [03:09.201]Write you a song? [03:09.447]为你写歌? [03:10.698]But in the end I'm not a saint [03:10.944]不过最终我也不是什么圣人 [03:11.697]I still want to swear [03:11.943]还是想骂一句 : [03:13.198]Everything you said is [03:13.198]你说的话全是些辣鸡 [03:14.697]Suck me ,haters [03:16.948]I'll finish you in a spit [03:17.445]我一个唾沫星子就可以了结你 [03:18.699]Go and dream it all [03:18.943]快去做梦吧 [03:20.196]You can blind yourself [03:20.196]你可以蒙蔽自己 [03:22.450]Be the king of your own spiritual world [03:23.449]做自己精神世界中的“王者” [03:25.699]I'll finish you in a look [03:26.198]我一个眼神就能了结你 [03:26.944]There's everything in the dream [03:27.206]梦里啥都有 [03:30.450]I don't need any ******* advices from you losers [03:30.948]我不需要失败者的批评 [03:32.700]You can blind yourself [03:33.199]你可以蒙蔽自己 [03:34.697]Be the king of your own spiritual world [03:35.196]做自己精神世界中的“王者” [03:36.698]You complete idiot [03:36.698]你这个大白痴 [03:38.448]You better pray you don't need to see me [03:38.949]你最好祈祷不用被我撞见 [03:43.440]You can try to mess with me one more time [03:43.694]你可以再试试惹我一次试试 [03:43.694]There are always people who don't understand [03:45.950]总有很多不明事理的人 [03:48.199]Think themselves know a lot [03:48.199]以为自己懂得很多 [03:49.697]Don't you know what you look like [03:50.442]难道你不知道自己是个什么德行? [03:51.698]Like a wreath on a toilet seat [03:51.698]就跟盖在马桶上的花圈一样 [03:53.450]You'd better stay away from me [03:55.447]and stop your nonsense words [03:55.447]你最好离我远点 [03:55.946],不要再胡说八道了 [03:57.197]Otherwise, [03:59.452]you will be watching the tears rolling down your face [03:59.452]否则, [03:59.452]我会让你涕泪横流 [04:01.191]Now it's my turn [04:01.694]现在轮到我了 [04:03.445]Now it's my turn [04:03.718]这是我的回合 [04:05.941]Watch my counterattack [04:06.451]看我的反击 [04:08.192]Watch me fight back [04:17.194]看我的反击 [04:20.200]I assure you [04:20.700]我跟你保证 [04:22.452]This is your last breath [04:22.950]这是你的最后一次呼吸 [04:24.694]I assure you [04:24.694]我跟你保证 [04:25.946]This's your last breath [04:26.445]这是你的最后一次呼吸 [04:28.200]I assure you [04:28.200]我跟你保证 [04:30.197]This is your last breath [04:30.696]这是你的最后一次呼吸 [04:32.447]I assure you [04:32.693]我跟你保证 [04:34.444]This's your last breath [04:35.443]这是你的最后一次呼吸 [04:36.699]I assure you [04:36.953]我跟你保证 [04:38.696]This is your last breath [04:38.696]这是你的最后一次呼吸 [04:40.446]I assure you [04:40.693]我跟你保证 [04:42.445]This's your last breath [04:42.942]这是你的最后一次呼吸 [04:49.702]EVERYBODY GET THE FXXK UP! [04:53.697]EVERYBODY GET THE FXXK UP! [04:57.702]EVERYBODY GET THE FXXK UP!