[00:00.000] 作词 : 尤泽熠 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 尤泽熠/黄睿阳/黄杰 [00:02.197]主唱/采样:尤泽熠 [00:02.197]吉他:黄睿阳/杨逸洲 [00:02.697]贝斯:郭臻源 [00:02.943]鼓:黄杰 [00:02.943]Every sleepless night [00:03.441] [00:04.440]每一个不眠的夜晚 [00:06.448]Is there something I am looking for [00:06.448]我是不是都在寻找着什么 [00:11.441]Keep my eyes open and sense everything around me [00:12.194]睁开眼去感受周遭的一切 [00:13.691]The feeling is so weird [00:13.948]总会有些奇怪的感觉 [00:18.695]It's like a million voices whispering to me [00:19.195]就好像是成千上万个声音在我耳旁轻语 [00:21.949]It's been a long time. [00:22.447]这种情况已经持续很久了 [00:25.696]I always wonder if I am real [00:28.192],what am I living for [00:28.692]我一直怀疑我是否真实存在,到底为了什么而活着 [00:32.943]Every time my mood at night will be reversed [00:33.441]入夜时的心情总是低落的 [00:38.200]Every night is a war with myself [00:38.701]每晚都是一场和自己的战争 [00:41.442]I don't mind if anyone care about me [00:41.939]我并不在意是否有人关心我 [00:44.450]Stay quietly in a corner and wait myself to rot [00:44.450]安静的窝在一个角落中等待着自己腐烂消失 [00:46.201]I'm not as strong as others think [00:46.701]我并不像其他人想的那样坚强 [00:48.941]I don't want to bother anyone [00:49.195]我也不想打扰到任何人 [00:51.449]But is this really what I want [00:51.449]但这真的就是我想要的吗 [00:53.945]Am I fine?I feel my self against all the time [00:54.445]我还好吗?我时刻感觉到自我对立 [00:56.196]I want to feel warm,I want to be loved [00:56.442]我也想感受到温暖,也想被爱 [01:00.701]I really want to feel happy sometimes [01:01.700]有时我真的也想过得很快乐 [01:02.445] [01:05.693]Can you feel my mind? [01:06.192]你读的出我的想法吗 [01:10.942]Can you touch my heart? [01:11.941]你可以触碰的我的心吗? [01:15.447]Do you really know what I think? [01:16.200]你真的知道我在思考些什么? [01:20.194]I beg you not to leave me. [01:20.693]我乞求你别离开 [01:24.699]No one did anything wrong [01:24.945]其实并没有任何人做错什么 [01:29.192]I’m just making trouble for myself [01:29.950]我只是在给自己找麻烦罢了 [01:33.942]day after day ,night after night [01:34.442]日复一日,夜复一夜 [01:39.699]But I can’t escape [02:04.696]但我真的无法不这样 [02:06.194]Empty swallowed me [02:06.194]空虚吞噬着我 [02:07.196]Loneliness torments me [02:07.196]孤独折磨着我 [02:09.946]There are a lot of things I don't know how to do [02:10.445]所有事情我都不知道该怎么去做 [02:12.940]I feel like I have a lot of energy and time [02:12.940]我觉得其实自己有很多的精力和时间 [02:14.193]But not enough [02:14.691]然而还是不够用 [02:16.946]The person I like doesn't care about me [02:17.444]我喜欢的人一点都不在意我 [02:19.442]I can't do what I want to do well [02:19.699]我想做好的事我一件都做不好 [02:21.452]I lost my confidence [02:21.452]我没什么自信可言 [02:22.695]What can I do? [02:22.695]我该怎么样呢 [02:23.947]What can I do? [02:24.200]何去何从 [02:28.195]I really want to feel happy sometimes [02:29.199]我有时真的也想很快乐 [02:33.701]I really want to see the light [02:33.701]我真的很想看到希望的光 [02:37.948]I really want to change myself at once [02:38.695]我真的很想立刻就彻底改变自己 [02:43.951]I really want to subvert my life [03:05.441]很想颠覆自己的生活 [03:08.702]Can you feel my mind? [03:08.948]你读的出我的想法吗 [03:13.698]Can you touch my heart? [03:13.698]你可以触碰的我的心吗? [03:17.692]Do you really know what I think? [03:18.446]你真的知道我在思考些什么? [03:22.950]I beg you not to leave me. [03:32.946]我乞求你别离开 [03:37.198]No one did anything wrong [03:37.951]其实并没有任何人做错什么 [03:42.202]I’m just making trouble for myself [03:42.700]我只是在给自己找麻烦罢了 [03:46.693]day after day ,night after night [03:47.195]日复一日,夜复一夜 [03:53.450]But I can’t escape