When the storm came, bashing waters against my windows, ripping my calm and making the dark complete I knew not to die in autumn. Herald a spice of cold Reeming through for life Escaping the anguish of days gone bad towards days going worse. Hell - I see it Hell - I know your domains Hell on a crown of thorns. The terror of a statue taking posture in this contaminated building. If I could see it I'd tear my eyes out for how to bear this knowing Of how flesh turning to stone, iron or dust. It happened just now. Hell to be relived in order to make a new god. Hell for only me, so that you might live. Nothing left in the mirror's frame now. Something must have left this room. Thought all the doors are locked and have been sealed firmly since ages. Nothing left in the mirror's frame now. Something must have left this room. Hell - I see it Hell - I know your domains Hell on a crown of thorns. Hell to be relived in order to make a new god. Hell for only me, so that you might live. Hell on a crown of thorns. When the storm came, bashing waters against my windows, ripping my calm and making the dark complete I knew not to die in autumn. Herald a spice of cold Reeming through for life Escaping the anguish of days gone bad towards days going worse.