Working this job is a kick in the pants Working this job is like a knife in the back It ain't getting me further than the dump I live in It ain't getting me further than the next paycheck Working this job is like lighting two fuses Working this job is running out of excuses It's like a dead-end when a road map is useless Until I'm dead and there's nothing to show for my uses Nobody told me it'd be easy Or for that matter it'd be so hard But it's the living and the learning It makes the difference, it makes it all worthwhile Makes it all worthwhile Working this job, there's nothing left but to hate it I won't get as far as my daddy made it It ain't getting me farther for all my striving In the dead-end I live on or the piece of shit I'm driving Nobody told me it'd be easy Or for that matter it'd be so hard But it's the living and the learning It makes the difference, it makes it all worthwhile Makes it all worthwhile Sometimes I dream that I had aimed my life in different ways But there was nothing to show me a way to get me outta this place So I just did what my daddy did before me Only to find the only door I found was closed to me Working this job, I thought it sucked when I had it Now it is gone and I'm learning what that is I'm trying to hang on to the worst of places But a family can't live on these fast food wages Nobody told me it'd be easy Or for that matter it'd be so hard But it's the living and the learning It makes the difference, it makes it all worthwhile Makes it all worthwhile Working this job Working this job Working this job