"Requiem For A Dream" " 梦之安魂曲 " I've seen these nightfalls, I've seen angels fall* 我见过这些傍晚,我见过天使的降临. I've seen storm rising. 我看到过暴风雨上升咆哮。 devouring all earth. 吞食所有陆地。 I can't remember where this all begun, when I woke for the first time in these haunted shores. 当我在这灵异海岸第一次醒来时,我记不起这一切是何时开始 The poets of death will paint this world with ghostly fears. 死亡诗人们将会把这个世界漆上幽灵的恐惧。 I've seen nightfalls 我见过这些傍晚 I've seen the broken dreams 我见过那碎掉的梦 Book of dark hours seems endless for me 这本黑暗时光的书似乎永无止境 The greatest sorrow 最大的悲伤 Music of the darkest seas 最黑暗的海之乐章 Sings with the nightly wind requiem for a dream 与夜晚的风吟唱着梦的安魂曲 Behold the world in ageless night behold the world in my dreams 在永恒的夜晚看着世界,看着我的梦的世界 Sleepwalking in a nightmare, sleepwalking in a dream. 在一个梦魇中梦游,在一个梦中梦游。 In these dark hours, in these haunted shores. 在这些黑暗的时光,在这些忧愁的海岸。 I've seen storm raging, I've seen these nightly rains. 我已经见到暴风雨的咆哮,我已经见到这夜夜大雨。 I've seen skies closing down upon the earth. 我已经见到天空紧压与大地之上。 The poets of death will paint this world with ghostly fear, in these dreams I follow you. 死亡诗人们将会把这个世界漆上幽灵的恐惧,在这些梦中,我跟随你。 In my dreams I follow you. 在我的梦中,我跟随你。 solo... I've seen nightfalls 我见过这些傍晚 I've seen the broken dreams 我见过那碎掉的梦 Book of dark hours seems endless for me 这本黑暗时光的书似乎永无止境 The greatest sorrow 最大的悲伤 Music of the darkest seas 最黑暗的海之乐章 Sings with the nightly wind requiem for a dream 与夜晚的风吟唱着梦的安魂曲 solo... The darkest shadows flickers of the memories once so bright and blooming with hope. 记忆中最黑暗的影像曾闪烁的如此明亮,甚至盛开出希望之花。 It's been 10 days since the last dawn. 从上一个黎明到现在已经十天了。 I know now this dream never ends. 我现在知道这梦不曾结束。