When, when will, when will I, when are you gonna die? 在哪, 在哪裡, 我是谁, 你几时才决定要死呢 Oh, got to track you down, who's got who now? 哦,该是解决你们的时候了, 哪个倒楣鬼会先遭殃 Now, now we, now we will, now I'll have a blast 现在, 就是现在, 我要来找乐子 Bang! That was fast, I got you 砰!最好快逃, 我要抓你了 Bang! That was fast, we ain't through 砰!最好快逃, 我们已经不是同一条道上的人了 I'm coming for your headstone 我来為你做墓碑 Bringing a crew or doing it alone 有专属人员替你亲身打量 Coming for your headstone 為你做墓碑 They won't refuse, I don't dig my part on my own 他们不会拒绝, 我不挖我自己的 We got a big one for me, head over here, new higher throne 我们得到了一个大的猎物这对我来说, 这样让我有更高的权威 I'm coming for your headstone 我来為你做墓碑 This I do, will I do, well this I do too 这是我做的, 我会做什麼? 我好像做的太多了 Oh, got to drag it home, makes my bedroom 哦, 拖了它带回家, 放在我的卧室 Over the hills, fighting a guard, working it here in your backyard 越过小山, 打一名警卫, 他工作的地点将会是你的藏身后院 Done it before, this I do well, making a bed, it's hard as hell 打造之前, 我做的很好, 做一张床, 还真是难得要命 But I like it this way, all my trophies will stay 但是我喜欢这样,我所有的奖杯将留下 Gather again, all of my men, forward! 再次聚会, 我的僕人呀, 前进! I'm coming for your headstone 我来為你做墓碑 Bringing a crew or doing it alone 有专属人员替你亲身打量 Coming for your headstone 為你做墓碑 They won't refuse, I don't dig my part on my own 他们不会拒绝, 我不挖我自己的 We got a big one for me, head over here, new higher throne 我们得到了一个大的猎物这对我来说, 这样让我有更高的权威 I'm coming for your headstone 我来為你做墓碑 Now I know the shame is like the fear, you only feel it once 现在我知道这样的耻辱就像是恐惧, 你只感觉的到一次 I'm coming for your headstone 我来為你做墓碑 Bringing a crew or doing it alone 有专属人员替你亲身打量 Coming for your headstone 為你做墓碑 They won't refuse, I don't dig my part on my own 他们不会拒绝, 我不挖我自己的 We got a big one for me, head over here, new higher throne 我们得到了一个大的猎物这对我来说, 这样让我有更高的权威 I'm coming for your headstone 我来為你做墓碑