Lights go out everywhere The world goes down in darkness Soothe your breath and listen To the multitude of sounds Slowly creeping along Sanity of madness Solidity, diamond hardness Moulded from the stones Just take a walk among them By the light of the bloodred moon Mystic circles and runes around and 'round You gonna understand them soon Ruins in the Dark - they must be everlasting Ruins in the Dark - go down and find a passage back Sounds are holding you down Everything is silent Shades are drowning your voice Erasing all you words Take care but be aware Something strange is out there Get lost deep in the night In the garden of the ruins Ruins in the Dark - they must be everlasting Ruins in the Dark - go down and find a passage To the realms they must beundreamed Your way leads you to the Ruins in the Dark Even the stones can bleed in the night There's only one way for you to find