I'm the dark in the night when you're scared, I am the fire when something needs to be burnt. I've got the power, your lives are insignificant. And when I dry out her life, nobody's going to stop me. I want her blood... For me, I said Fiat volontas tua For me, I said Fiat voluntas tua Die or join me, still you think the choice is yours, Your life is my time, and my time will last forever I want her blood... For me, I said Fiat voluntas tua For me, I said Fiat voluntas tua I curse you! I've seen your future! You're soon gonna die! Shut up! Put him on the floor! I want his dead, right! Now! No matter where she is, No matter what I have to do, I'll find her, and her blood will be mine. (Use the child...) Bring me the child! I said Fiat voluntas tua Appropinquat, appropi,quat Vita sua nostra erit Appropinquat finis suis