Two young hearts will meet in the middle, And a light will flicker on, Where there once was none. Where does love come from? The bodies in the firmament are spinning like a plate; I was lost in the fission before you came. I could write this down, I could turn this car around. In the land of mistakes I should lay my crosses down. And I pray for your health, and I tell myself “It's the chambers and the valves that pump the sentiment around.” But I swallow the words and I close my mouth. If every constellation above us has a counterpart below, How are we to know, dear? How are we to know? Fortune hangs around us like a funerary wreath. I was down in the heart of the ground beneath. I could write this down, I could turn this car around. In the land of mistakes I should lay my crosses down. And I pray for your health, and I tell myself “It's the chambers and the valves that pump the sentiment around.” But I swallow the words and I close my mouth. I could write this down, I could turn this car around. In the land of mistakes I should lay my crosses down. And I pray for your health, and I tell myself “It's the chambers and the valves that pump the sentiment around.” But I swallow the words and I close my mouth.