Cool cops are gonna be the death of you when they get a hold of you - so get down on the ground cool cops are gonna throw the book at you when they get a look at you - gonna haul you downtown Cool cops hate what's on the radio or any kind of TV show - oh it's such brutality ! cool cops only want to be around the million pound indie sound - oh it's right hypocrisy ! Don't think when the cops suspect that you are getting in their way that they will not think twice before just simply putting you away Cool cops - they're always coming after you ! Cool cops are here to rain on your parade unless of course they get paid (even cops - they gotta eat) cool cops are always watching every step (man they even hate johnny depp) love the sun and packing heat when you scratch their backs it's so much easier to pretend that Q is just a letter and the NME is still your friend Cool cops - they're always coming after you !