This is not a test! This is not a test! You are really dying friend. Bet it feels like a panic attack but! This is not a test! This is not a test! It may be lucid and it may be wet. You're really dying. Can you feel it yet? Keep your hands inside the vehicle at all times. For if you don't I'm going to rip them right off. Not because I have to or because you're misbehaving. I just know how bad you need to get off ...Oh, and one other thing... I absolutely hate that sweater and your life is our reality T.V. You were put here to entertain, so get up and entertain me! PANIC YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH! SQUIRM YOU LITTLE WEASEL CAUSE I'M PAYING FOR THIS AND I WANT MY 20 DOLLARS WORTH. You're a sad and lonely character now aren't you boy? Adrift in the middle of a wet dream. Unwilling participant lost at sea. You think you had it bad... Well now it's worsening. spaghetti arms for oars! dropping anchor just to find some whores! Your bed a sad and lonely vessel, your sheets a mess of veins and kelp... This is not a test. (It's really not you lonely simpleton) I salute your panic attack. One small step for man. I take it back. I salute your panic attack. One small step for man. No shame in that. I salute your panic attack. Pathetic jelly fish you spineless hack. I salute your spinal collapse. Are there any bones inside that back?