So I am the eyes That my father cried out In our swamp sunk with doubt In the darkyards of North Country aging uncles Caught in the summer horrid Endless and fluttered torrid But all of my ditches Were buzzing green as I grew taller Fam'ly don't know that I've seen the road end Far past the bridges where Salt thaws out to the river There on the roadside Passing by I spied Billboards that relied on Only I to deliver The dusk to the years And old mirrors, in here Now those windows still bring back memories Supermarket rusting through the trees Hearts drawn on invisibilities, like these Aching Spring please bring a ring For the powder songs these orchards sing And that shall string the one thing I have left In Adirondacka, you are the fire escape alley gleaming I've shed your red valleys dreaming Of Springtown streets and pinksky sheets Adirondacka, harmonicas were blowing through the fairgrounds, darlin' Life blows their scary sounds on us But that is why the spirits fly in Adirondacka So my twitchin' girl When I kissed you our dock had been broken And every word spoken Were desp'rate desire seeds Sown in your raging hair Blown to your face so fair But I died five lifetimes Before I breathed just what I needed No place is safe no more 'Cept sometimes in my door- I have something that no one else ever touches Oh Adirondacka, dust bowl harmonicas Blew through poor houses And all sorts of awkward crutches The city hall poplars soon perfumed of death The kitchen yellows soon paled every breath The afternoon lethargy makes our home cleft, and left Open wide as barns divide the supper swamp and gentle pride From every side as sunset is upset In America, the mayor comes And walks among the Greenpark benches Dreams are just like endless trenches It quenches me halfheartedly Adirondacka, I am the water you are pumping The town-end glades are up and jumping The narrow road, my past implodes in episodes that I've forgotten We love our families We love our twilight trees We love our memories Salt pours out to the river There on the swamp edge Skies north of the mountains My eyes pulse like fountains And salt pours out to the river Kiss you in eye-gulps As my piney heart yelps In no other manner Could salt pour out to the river At dinnertime