What dreams splendidly weaved from an atom bomb Retrieved from a teleprompt, practical, you are not Break the ice with a cotton swab A fever that cools us off, a handshake's a contact sport No one was waiting to throw out the pilot We'll float on the back of the winds that you send us Another tomorrow, shedding the shade we made yesterday Disguised as the lightning, dissolving all of the thunder there Appeasing our monsters under the acrylic skies Another tomorrow, another tomorrow So fly, grab my hand here comes the crash I live for the strong impact that renders both our airbags Seven folds takes very letter you send Don't fold if you're made to bend, rekindle the feud again No one was waiting to throw out the pilot We'll float on the back of the winds that you send us Until tomorrow, shedding the shade we made yesterday Disguised as the lightning, dissolving all of the thunder there Appeasing our monsters under the acrylic skies Another tomorrow You've recognized the hut your neighbors made String up your harp, play like today will last five minutes This won't take long, sing us a song that stops the sirens String up your harp, play like today will last five minutes This won't take long, sing us a song that stops the sirens Another tomorrow, shedding the shade we made yesterday Disguised as the lightning, dissolving all of the thunder there Appeasing our monsters under the acrylic skies Another tomorrow