[00:00.000] 作词 : RapArtMent [00:00.671] 作曲 : RapArtMent [00:01.342]At The Altar [00:02.838]演唱:Satan [00:03.836]作词:Satan [00:04.848]作曲:Satan [00:07.090]编曲:Raxer [00:09.331]At The Altar [00:14.091]Save me,forgive my sins [00:17.339]原谅我的罪孽,拯救我吧 [00:21.845]forgive me,forgetting you [00:26.094]也原谅我开始忘却你 [00:30.841]if one,more time i will [00:34.591]如诺还有来世 [00:37.331]try harder,to find you [00:43.328]我会拼命去抓住你 [00:48.095]but i cant find,cant find,i forgot [00:51.845]但我已经迷失在途中,一切都变得模糊 [00:56.592]your face and, everthing, about you [00:59.599]关于你的一切甚至容颜 [01:07.345]and i should,not have,forgotten [01:09.097]我明明不该遗忘 [01:13.846]only you ,can fill, my void inside [01:18.593]因为只有你能填满我内心的缺口 [01:23.342]this time we will always in love [01:25.594]这次我们将被爱埋没 [01:28.087]no matter how long cost [01:28.846]无论花费多久 [01:32.852]i will find you,in our ruins [01:33.831]我会找到你,在我们的那片废墟中 [01:36.346]At the Altar of our all [01:40.584]在关于我们一切的祭坛中 [01:43.328]That we wish,to be the [01:44.085]这次我们一同许愿,让我们 [01:46.343]birds flying in the heaven [01:48.341]成为比翼鸟在天堂中飞舞翱翔 [01:53.843]if we have something called soul [01:56.094]若真有灵魂所物存在 来世 [02:00.584]we will finally meet in that place [02:03.583]我们一定会在那里再次相遇