Listen, to the sound of falling 倾听,那坠落的声音 The decline of a beautiful yesterday 那是昨日之美的衰亡 Spiraling down a pitch black forever 盘亘而下那澈黑深渊 Into the essence of your desperate idea 在你绝望的思绪之中 A creation of a weary and exhausted mind 一个疲惫不堪心灵的造物 Feeding upon its own poisoned fruits 吞噬着它自种的毒果 And craving for our final decline 它渴望我们最后的拒绝 To let go and be pulled beneath 放弃与堕落 Can you hear it, the lamenting river 你能否听到,那悲叹的河流 The river that has whispered our names 那曾呼唤过我们名字的河流 Once i stared into its cold black eye 我曾凝视它那漆黑冰冷的眼眸 As if tomorrow would never come 仿佛明日将不再来临 Sometimes i wonder if you do the same 有时我猜测你是否亦然 If you yearn for that deadly kiss 假若你渴慕那致命的亲吻 Wanting to escape your plaguing burden 想要抛弃那烦恼的负担 And reach out for a moment of peace 享受片刻的安宁 I never thought it would come to this 我从未想过会如此 That we would end up in this weary state 我们竟走到此般境地 Like shades of a forgotten Eden 如同一个永远否决你我的一切的 In constant denial of all that was us 被遗忘的伊甸园的阴影 Killing ourselves to live a lie 终结自我才能存活于谎言之下 Killing ourselves without knowing why 终结自我确不知为何 Searching for peace but finding pain 寻找安宁却只见苦难 We are suffering from selfish ambitions 我们因自私的野心而痛不欲生