[00:00.000] 作词 : 李杰明 [00:01.000] 作曲 : Skot Suyama/李杰明 [00:15.064]没人会救他 没人会救他 [00:16.381]看着他被欺负反正你们不会愧疚他**** you [00:18.548]那我就把你的头给踩在地上 你的额头借我的球鞋寄放 [00:21.984]起来反抗啊 起来反抗啊 我们的笑声大过你的力量 [00:25.766]拿出胆量啊 拿出胆量啊 你的尖叫声是兴奋的剂量 [00:29.025]老师告诉我们如果我们哪天被霸凌就必须勇敢说不我说真的如果你讲得出这句 [00:32.841]话就代表你活得这辈子根本就都还没被霸凌过不切实际的外表你们把它给穿着 [00:36.707]原来血的味道是酸的 难怪我经常感到心酸呢 [00:40.533]最坏的人永远不会被关的 联络簿我翻着 [00:43.349]Yes, this is a test, to see what you’re made of [00:50.188]Yes, give it your best, it ends when you stand up [00:56.710]Sometimes in life when you’re on the ground [01:00.003]They’ll kick and they’ll hit when you’re already down (so) [01:03.785]Yes, this is a test, to see what you’re made of [01:10.944]这里是走廊 这里是走廊 等到没有监视器你就死定了 [01:14.954]这里是走廊 这里是走廊 打你哪个地方由我指定了 [01:18.457]但你放心我们一般都是打你肚子或是肩膀因为等到你回家了换成睡衣你的家人 [01:22.345]依然不会看见你的瘀青而且你也没有那个种去告诉你的家人我们做了什么事情 [01:26.487]你是我的玩具反正没人知情 放学后的酷刑准备开始执行 [01:29.903]把你拖到厕所这就是个实情 说真的**** them all [01:32.902]你们毁了我 我也习惯享受着痛觉 [01:35.495]别放弃我却放开他们 李杰明他妈的纯洁?好人缘? [01:39.672]Yes, this is a test, to see what you’re made of [01:46.541]Yes, give it your best, it ends when you stand up [01:53.025]Sometimes in life when you’re on the ground [01:56.559]They’ll kick and they’ll hit when you’re already down (so) [02:00.008]Yes, this is a test, to see what you’re made of [02:07.874]不要问我怎么办才能够处理霸凌 **** it [02:11.284]只有被人霸凌你才能够体会痛苦love it [02:14.817]有了有了几次痛苦 换来换来一些成熟 [02:18.343]有了有了一些痛楚 保护自己变得纯熟 [02:21.909]简单的flow为了表达想法 被霸凌没差别说我好傻 [02:25.537]霸凌者其实都像在讨打 总有一天轮到你**** them up [02:29.056]达成你的梦想这就算是**** them up他们都会笑你觉得你在说大话 [02:32.587]但是当你达成自己的梦想的时候看看当初欺负你的人表情有多害怕 [02:36.031]Yes, this is a test, to see what you’re made of [02:43.091]Yes, give it your best, it ends when you stand up [02:49.707]Sometimes in life when you’re on the ground [02:53.216]They’ll kick and they’ll hit when you’re already down (so) [02:57.181]Yes, this is a test, to see what you’re made of