[00:00.000] 作词 : FOLONG [00:01.000] 作曲 : FOLONG [00:02.333]编曲制作:vaegud [00:04.685]后期制作:4POD [00:26.664]I can't get that tempo [00:29.718]我跟不上节奏了 [00:29.870]And I know you will say no [00:32.623]我明白你会拒绝 [00:32.772]Let me show you how that empty [00:36.189]知道是怎样的缺失吗 [00:36.324]cash no way no way [00:39.088]钱啊 我根本没有办法 [00:39.205]I'm fxxking down like you see [00:42.585]我真的很苦恼 [00:42.709]here a silly secret [00:45.437]这愚蠢的秘密 [00:45.582]deep in my mind with the shackles [00:49.045]像条锁链捆住了我 [00:49.188]Hey I no money no money [00:51.880]我是个穷鬼 [00:52.021]what is the love [00:53.404]爱情啊 [00:53.566]what is the love [00:55.085]爱情啊 [00:55.224]what let me feel down what let me love [00:58.228]是什么让我这么懊恼 什么能让我去爱 [00:58.365]what a funny poor guy how can fall in love [01:01.389]可笑的穷孩子怎么能去爱 [01:01.509]shouldn't do that no money no money [01:03.911]不可以那样做哦 [01:04.045]I say pretty crazy man [01:05.068]光鲜亮丽的疯子 [01:05.190]dreaming be a money fan [01:06.647]做着有钱人的梦 [01:06.773]even hustle everyday but look the disgusting face [01:09.799]他可真努力 但看看那张恶心的脸 [01:09.942]darkness on my way [01:11.421]前面没有光亮 [01:11.557]graining tattoo on my neck [01:13.055]我在脖子上刺上纹身 [01:13.157]how you feel the fxxking pain [01:14.478]你又怎么懂这种痛苦 [01:14.621]so I say no way no way [01:21.943]根本不可能 [01:42.271]Rich life I want to touch [01:45.501]我也想要富裕的生活 [01:45.632]listening heartbeat into my heart [01:48.647]听听我内心的声音吧 [01:48.789]nobody cares but drunk in the pub [01:51.805]没人在乎你醉倒在酒吧里 [01:51.949]poor but be happy no way no way [01:55.070]穷人是不会开心的 [01:55.212]no way to know choose cheap cheap milk [01:57.771]喝便宜的牛奶 [01:57.900]or the mother fxxker hard liquor someone has be told [02:01.006]还是告诉你的 喝这该死的烈酒 [02:01.149]I say no way to know that your cheap cheap flow [02:04.653]就你这样平庸是没可能的 [02:04.806]cheap cheap life and no money money [02:09.039]只有因为没钱而忍气吞声的日子 [02:09.208]I can't get that tempo [02:12.188]我跟不上节奏了 [02:12.341]And I know you will say no [02:15.244]我明白你会拒绝 [02:15.397]Let me show you how that empty [02:18.597]知道是怎样的缺失吗 [02:18.726]cash no way no way [02:21.519]钱啊 我根本没有办法 [02:21.646]I'm fxxking down like you see [02:24.997]我真的很苦恼 [02:25.133]here a silly secret [02:27.853]我这愚蠢的秘密 [02:28.013]deep in my mind with the shackles [02:31.460]像条锁链捆住了我 [02:31.605]Hey I no money no money