Your name is no name Your name no more Your name is no name Your name no more No mouth, nor tongue Has spoken nor sung Your name is no name Your name no more This word is no word This word is law This word is no word This word is law No one man born Has written or drawn This word is no word This word is law Your name is no name Your name no more Your name is no name Your name no more No mouth, nor tongue Has spoken nor sung Your name is no name Your name no more Your claim is no claim Your claim is war Your claim is no claim Your claim is war Take up your arms Raise the alarm Your claim is no claim Your claim is war Blood will run and blood will flow Suffering souls, suffer no more The coin will spin, the face will turn Sufferings souls, no more will burn Begin again, begin once more Suffering souls will march to war Hear the bombs, hear the bullets fly Suffering souls take no more of your lies Your name no more... Your word no more... Your name no more... Your word no more...