作曲 : Henry Clay Work/1862 Kingdom Coming Henry Clay Work Say, darky, hab you sen de massa, wid de muffstash on his face, Come along de road some tim dis mornin, lik he want to leab de place? He sen a smoke way up de ribber, whar de Linkum gunboats lay He grab his hat,and lef' berry sudden, and I spc' he's run away! De massa run, ha ha! De darkeys stay, ho ho! It mus' be now de kingdom comeing An' de year ob Jubilo! He six foot one way, tow foot the oder, and he weigh tre hundred pound His coat so big, he couldn't pay the tailor, an' it don't go halfway round He drill so much dey call him Cap'n, an' he get so drefful tanned I'll spac' he'll try to fool dem Yankees for to tink he's contraband De massa run, ha ha! De darkeys stay, ho ho! It mus' be now de kingdom comeing An' de year ob Jubilo! Wi' de darkeys fell so lonesome libbing in de loghouse on de lawn Dey mov dar tings into massa's parlor for to keep it while he's gone Dar's wine an' cider in de kitchen, an' de darkeys day'll have some But it'll make dey'll all be confiscated when de Linkum sojers come! De massa run, ha ha! De darkeys stay, ho ho! It mus' be now de kingdom comeing An' de year ob Jubilo! Wi' sw obserseer he make us trouble, an' he dribe us round a spell So we lock him in fe smokehouse cellar, wid de keep him down in de well De whip is lost, de han'cuff broken, but de massa'll hab his pay He's ole enough, big enoug, shound know better dan to go an' run away De massa run, ha ha! De darkeys stay, ho ho! It mus' be now de kingdom comeing An' de year ob Jubilo! De massa run, ha ha! De darkeys stay, ho ho! It mus' be now de kingdom comeing An' de year ob Jubilo!