作词 : 杨雅乔 作曲 : 杨雅乔 Colors (颜色) When I was younger,(在我年纪很小的时候) I'd repeat every word you said.(你说的每一句话我都会记下) I'd hide my emotions in the safe.(我把所有的情绪都藏了起来) The sky was blue then, (在那之前天空是蓝色的) but you colored it with grey. (但你却把它染成了灰色) The clouds were gathered in my head. (我的心头乌云密布) Was it just me? I did not know how to behave. (是不是只有我不够听话?) I tried to run away, (我试着逃跑) but there was no escape. (却找不到路径) Bring me back all the colors that went away, (还给我所有丢失的颜色) I'll draw a fairground for us to play. (让我画一个游乐园来玩耍) You can see the lights are yellow, (那里布满着黄色的灯光) chairs are red. (和红色的椅子) Carousel is running to the end. (还有旋转木马跳跃不停) Bring me back all the colors that went away, (还给我所有丢失的颜色) I'll draw a Neverland for us to stay. (我想画一个童话世界来居住) You can hear no more crying,(在那里你将听不到任何哭泣) feel no pain. (感受不到任何痛苦) Baby don't be afraid, (宝宝不要害怕) I'm right here today. (从今以后有我在这陪你)