作词 : 毛小平 作曲 : 段曾 榜样   你是无穷的力量Example,you are an infinite power 榜样   你是民族的荣光Example,You are the glory of the Chinese nation 危难时   你冲在前方In times of danger, you rush ahead 黑暗中   你像灯塔闪亮You shine like a lighthouse in the dark 默默奉献   是你的品格Silent dedication is your quality 无怨无悔   是你的担当It's your responsibility to have no complaints and no regrets. 你是祖国的骄傲You are the pride of motherland 你是中华的脊梁 You are the backbone of the Chinese nation 榜样   你是前行的方向example,You are the goal of moving forward. 榜样   你是航行的船桨example , You are the oar of sailing 孤独时   你苦苦守望When you're lonely, you stick to your beliefs 困境中   你为自己疗伤You heal yourself in trouble 不屈不挠   是你的秉性Perseverance is your nature 国富民强   是你的理想Rich country and strong people are your ideal 你是人民的英雄You are the hero of the people 你是大地的芬芳You are the fragrance of the earth 不屈不挠   是你的秉性Perseverance is your nature 国富民强   是你的理想Rich country and strong people are your ideal 你是人民的英雄You are the hero of the people 你是大地的芬芳You are the fragrance of the earth 你是人民的英雄You are the hero of the people 你是大地的芬芳You are the fragrance of the earth 翻译:毛小平Translator Mao Xiaoping 发行:三咖音乐