[00:00.000] 作词 : K.O.R [00:01.000] 作曲 : K.O.R [00:05.034]Anyway [00:06.533]编曲:K.O.R [00:07.787]作曲:K.O.R [00:09.533]作词:K.O.R [00:13.283]混音:K.O.R [00:16.597]Hook: [00:18.347]They prolly gon flop me anyway [00:19.096]我不能跟你们混为一谈 [00:20.345]Nobody know me like anyway [00:21.595]无论如何我依然沉默 [00:23.093]Only way for me is the money way [00:23.845]不做无用之事 [00:24.846]Anyone talking like numbers way [00:25.344]每个人都关注着数字 [00:26.846]Too much people like no way [00:27.598]走的人多了却没有路了 [00:29.598]Let ‘em talking for real game [00:29.847]这不是儿戏 [00:31.095]Play it well so I play it save [00:31.847]玩的好自然玩的稳 [00:33.345]I got the top like anyway [00:33.844]早晚还是会到顶点 [00:34.346]Verse1: [00:36.094]Rules are mean to be broken [00:36.594]规则,就是用来打破的 [00:37.847]I just got it when I’m talking [00:38.344]我也是才明白这道理 [00:40.845]My projects way too be random [00:41.347]这首歌简单随意 [00:42.595]I might just cut it simple and panning [00:42.848]我把它剪的更清澈 [00:44.348]Feeling go right like anyway [00:44.848]感觉对了就好 [00:47.094]Any bounce for me its a vibe for a new genera [00:47.844]我每一个想法都是一个新的流派 [00:50.844]I don want bite Drake but I mix it too fast so I just go with the sh** like anyway [00:52.095]不想做的太像德瑞克但做出来就是这样,好吧 [00:55.598]I don want any problem or lessons on my sh** but I graduate anyway [00:56.846]不用上课我也照样毕业了,好吧 [00:58.346]Three way may be a good way [00:58.844]女孩们很有诱惑力 [01:00.594]But I’m not into no bit**es I just want my money like everyday [01:02.094]但是事业更重要吧 [01:03.595]Guess I still need u anyway [01:04.094]无论如何我还是需要你 [01:06.346]Even if this sh** still sound like a preach I got it straight out anyway [01:07.098]尽管我口无遮拦我依然有一说一,好吧 [01:07.347]Hook: [01:08.848]They prolly gon flop me anyway [01:09.344]我不能跟你们混为一谈 [01:10.594]Nobody know me like anyway [01:11.846]无论如何我依然沉默 [01:13.844]Only way for me is the money way [01:14.344]不做无用之事 [01:15.097]Anyone talking like numbers way [01:15.594]每个人都关注着数字 [01:17.344]Too much people like no way [01:17.594]走的人多了却没有路了 [01:19.097]Let ‘em talking for real game [01:19.596]这不是儿戏 [01:21.594]Play it well so I play it save [01:21.846]我自得其乐 [01:23.096]I got the top like anyway [01:23.848]早晚还是会到顶点 [01:24.094]Verse2: [01:25.845]They told me everyday is a new day [01:26.098]每天都是新的一天 [01:28.097]I told me every said is a new wave [01:29.346]我告诉自己我应该句句成金 [01:30.096]Call me then send a new check [01:31.096]打电话一定有正经事 [01:33.098]They told me every girl have a story [01:33.344]她们说每个女孩都有故事 [01:34.845]They told me money gon ruin the story [01:35.347]但是金钱会把这故事毁掉 [01:37.098]Innocence cash still raining all day [01:37.847]我只拿干净的钱 [01:39.847]U girl still riding with me anyway [01:40.594]她还是离开你跟我走 [01:42.595]Feeling like birthday [01:42.845]感觉就像过生日 [01:43.844]Every day is my birthday [01:45.594]每天都像过生日 [01:48.345]I’m getting tired for any other people hating me everyday [01:49.094]恨我的人怕是也不少 [01:49.596]I got the juice anyway [01:50.597]你又能怎么样呢 [01:53.344]Hard or soft I got the right key anyway [01:55.848]玩软的玩硬的你都没机会 [01:58.344]Just save ur a** for anyday [01:58.594]我还要为你们操心,唉 [01:58.844]Hook: [01:59.595]They prolly gon flop me anyway [02:00.599]我不能跟你们混为一谈 [02:01.096]Nobody know me like anyway [02:02.097]无论如何我依然沉默 [02:03.348]Only way for me is the money way [02:03.598]不做无用之事 [02:05.095]Anyone talking like numbers way [02:05.598]每个人都关注着数字 [02:06.844]Too much people like no way [02:07.845]走的人多了却没有路了 [02:09.095]Let ‘em talking for real game [02:09.847]这不是儿戏 [02:11.345]Play it well so I play it save [02:11.847]我自得其乐 [02:14.599]I got the top like anyway