. The war machine was waxed and cleaned But the wolves they trained were slow No matter the shine and no matter the gleam The wheels just spun in the snow . The best marine had been blessed by the queen With a badge for the best in show But the bronze turned green as he lost his steam While the ebb trickled down to a flow . The trees weren’t green but the frost turned to stream As the carbon melts the snow The ash fell free as the blackbird screams At the hibernates below . You’re breaking up, you’re broken What’s said remains unspoken To have a vice is always nice A parcel or a token . The ice had thawed by the grace of god And we asked, please sir, for more No, he said, see I’m better off dead And we’ve been through this before . So we took to land, did it all by hand As we carved through the melt of the snow The mold that grew knew what to do For the hibernates below . You’re breaking up, you’re broken What’s said remains unspoken To have a vice is always nice A parcel or a token You’re breaking up, you’re broken What’s said remains unspoken To have a vice is always nice A parcel or a token . You’re breaking up, you’re broken What’s said remains unspoken To have a vice is always nice A parcel or a token You’re breaking up, you’re broken What’s said remains unspoken To have a vice is always nice A parcel or a token .