Cross the woods of no return Embrace the flames awaiting me Cross the bridge where fire burn Eternal deeps toward the pass I'm beyond the darkness gates Emerged into the shades Searching for the wisdom of the ages Crossing the bridges Woods of passage to the north Clouds divide an endless wind Mountains here in fog they lay Swept by mist all night and day All majestic, all divine Shields of wind and light Locked beyond the shadowed paths Under heavy skies Searching for the wisdom of the ages Feel the flame within my soul Crossing the bridges of fire Passing the bridges to the rivers of red Souls on fire, head by head Passing the gates to the infernal sky Knowing the wisdom of all dark and night Across the woods of no return Embrace the flames awaiting me Across the bridge where fire burn Eternal deeps toward the pass Searching for the wisdom of the ages Suffering through all the years Crossing the bridges of fire