[00:00.000] 作词 : Bahīmūth [00:01.000] 作曲 : Bahīmūth [00:05.686]כסא לילה קפוא霜冻夜王座 [01:10.937]When I am eager for the direction当我渴望的方向 [01:17.187]Rays annihilate in the dark光芒湮灭在黑暗 [01:25.189]Smog stacked up sadness雾霭堆叠起悲伤 [01:32.687]Breathing pain in the chest胸臆的呼吸疼痛 [01:40.687]Like a raging如同扯絮般肆虐 [01:44.934]Repeatedly staggering me反复交错拉扯我 [01:48.934]I once wanted to compromise on this.我曾想对此妥协 [01:56.444]Day after day struggle日复一日的挣扎 [02:04.445]As if time is still仿佛时间已静止 [03:16.448]Will not stop the fester不会停止的溃烂 [03:24.693]Destroy the place of hope磨灭希望的地方 [03:32.940]Hear the sound of hell听见地狱的声音 [03:40.449]Screaming in summoning声嘶力竭在召唤 [03:47.692]Tearing the cage of the trapped beast撕裂这困兽之笼 [03:50.198]Not willing to fall to the abyss不愿坠落至深渊 [03:56.694]Pray that the night will be immortal祈愿永夜将不朽 [04:04.941]I still don't want to fall down.我还不愿倒下 [04:13.198]Before the wings are full在羽翼未丰之前 [04:58.447]Even curling the knee就算匍匐曲膝 [05:01.946]Also pious to my soul也对吾灵魂虔诚 [05:05.947]Redemption and destruction救赎与毁灭 [05:13.201]a lonely road孤军奋勇的路上 [05:21.201]Up and down左右跌宕 [05:25.202]Thorns荆棘加身 [05:29.202]Even if you want to die即使要就此死去 [05:34.205]Also did not stop for a lifetime也是一生未停止 [05:37.703]Praise of light逐光的赞扬 [05:41.202]I am willing to incarnate this sword唯愿化身这利剑 [05:45.203]Pierce this thick刺透这浓霾 [05:49.203]Showing shimmer展露出微光 [05:53.448]Willing to be immortal愿化为不朽 [05:57.203]Walking with my god与吾神同行