I've seen her give her last five dollars, To a stranger on the street, An' do without a dress she wanted, So we'd have enough to eat. And when the ladies at the garden club, Looked down their nose at her, I watched her turn the other cheek, Without one bitter word. Mama was a lot like Jesus, The way she lived an' loved: A blessing sent from Heaven up above. She would pray for our forgiveness, And sacrifice for us: Mama was a lot like Jesus. She could stretch a bag of groceries, For two weeks to keep us fed. An' she could take an old brown potted plant, An' raised it from the dead. An' her words were like a healin' touch, When we had a broken heart. And when I wrestled with the devil, She led me through the dark 'Cause Mama was a lot like Jesus, The way she lived an' loved: A blessin' sent from Heaven up above. She would pray for our forgiveness, And sacrifice for us: Mama was a lot like Jesus. I've got my Daddy's eyes; I've got my Daddy's hair, But I hope my Mama's heart, Is inside me somewhere. 'Cause Mama was a lot like Jesus, The way she lived an' loved: A blessin' sent from Heaven up above. She would pray for our forgiveness, And sacrifice for us: Mama was a lot like Jesus. My Mama was a lot like Jesus.